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Game Giveaway Competition

Kazashi's picture

Just a quick note to let anyone interested know that for the next couple of days Linux Game Publishing is holding a competition where you could win a free game.

I don’t plan on entering because they’re using some obscure service called Twitter (and something even moreso called, but if anyone here is interested in a (pretty good) chance of winning their choice of several games from X2 and X3 to Sacred: Gold to Shadowgrounds and Shadowgrounds: Survivor, then go and do whatever that link tells you, which is something called retweeting.

As the name implies, these are games for Linux, and despite being downloadable they are full titles. So go win some stuff (or even buy something!).


Sha8doW's picture

Twitter and Linux

I couldnt imagine a better couple!

Acutally… i could: Facebook & twitter whom are banging each other behind Linux’s back!

Good post tho Kazashi

Twitter…. im out tho

Fuzz has

a twitter……

Fuzz's picture


Cool free games. I got the twitter somewhere, but no real need for Linux games.

n0mad's picture

n0 twitterMA

n0 Faceamab00k
n0 myspaced0ut

nup n0ne 0f that f0r me…..

w0uld highly rec0mmend SACRED – G0LD EDITI0N
“the Kingdom is infiltrated by Goblins”
and b0y is there al0t 0f em…..

Reminds me I sh0uld buy Sacred 2……

s0 will Steam g0 d0wn the path 0f Linux, 0nly time will tell……


ltmon's picture


Has been confirmed as not coming to Linux any time soon.

Fuzz's picture

damn steam

That’s just BS. Should have gone to Linux b4 OSX.

Sha8doW's picture

crazy decision

thats just nuts from valve/steam – definite loss of money there

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